Sunday, December 23, 2007

Nicky DS's Christmas Party

Went to Nicky's place at Subang for her Christmas party. It was so fustrating to get there cus we kept on getting lost or dunno where we're going. But really enjoyed the party n the food. Had a real great time there. Here's some pics I took..

clockwise from bottom left:
shephards pie, spaghetti salad, spaghetti sauce n cheese,
spaghetti, salad n dressing, n curry pork..

barbecued lamb
*there was also barbecued chicken..

Navina eating her peice of lamb..

Zach.. acting goofy like always..
*I like his Santa hat.. it's springy..

the Christmas tree at Nicky's hse..

Nicky's bro's b'day cake..
*it was a Christmas party cum bro's b'day party..

Jo Vee's "pee"..
*no la.. her can of beer suddenly leaked..

this is actually a table..
the hole is for feeding the fish..

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